( ! ) Warning: file_get_contents(template/EN/Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/MainFrontendController/FrontendPageRenderService.php on line 428 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0001 | 469768 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0253 | 908328 | HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { public $transactionStarted = NULL }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { protected $parameterSet = ['command' => 'showArticle', 'cmd' => 'show.page', 'login' => 'cec949de-fadf-4d6c-bca5-4a2bb21f4acf', 'privateHash' => '81a8d585e3680dc8529e2a65f3cbd28cbcba2043'] }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = ['command' => 'showArticle', 'cmd' => 'show.page', 'login' => 'cec949de-fadf-4d6c-bca5-4a2bb21f4acf', 'privateHash' => '81a8d585e3680dc8529e2a65f3cbd28cbcba2043']; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ) | .../index.php:154 |
3 | 0.0256 | 908520 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ) | .../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64 |
4 | 0.0282 | 932360 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55 |
5 | 0.0283 | 934136 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:507 |
6 | 0.0307 | 944544 | HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1022931; public $internalName = 'Reavers of Midgard - Neopren-Spielplan (en)'; public $upc = '4255682701448'; public $manufacturer = 8; public $manufacturerId = 7108448238221; public $pu = 1; public $length = 85; public $width = 56.5; public $height = 0.5; public $weight = 100; public $listingStatus = 3; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2018-11-14'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2018-11-14'; public $ageMin = 14; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 4; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = 1022929; public $regularPrice = 25; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 25; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 24.99; public $costPrice = 10.75; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 0; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',139,41,56,79,133,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:4:{i:41;s:1:"1";i:56;s:1:"1";i:79;s:1:"1";i:139;s:1:"1";}'; public $dateLastModified = '2024-09-03 04:31:34'; public $stockAvailable = 0; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 3; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-09-02 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 0; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de,'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [0 => ['mediaId' => '56c5d1c3-a3e5-4ea8-91eb-33e7903ef1ba', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 450, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 307]]]; public $mediaByType = ['Image' => [0 => ['mediaId' => '56c5d1c3-a3e5-4ea8-91eb-33e7903ef1ba', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 450, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 307]]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => ['mediaId' => '56c5d1c3-a3e5-4ea8-91eb-33e7903ef1ba', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 450, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 307]]; public $designer = [1 => [72 => 'J.B. Howell'], 2 => []]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Reavers of Midgard - Neopren-Spielplan (en)'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Noch mehr Platz zum Plündern! - Spiele Reavers of Midgard auf einem großen Neopren-Spielplan!'; public $description = 'Auf dem hochwertigen Material kommen die vielen Orte, die du plünderst, gleich noch besser zur Geltung und die Illustrationen wirken noch beeindruckender. Die Spielkarten lassen sich von der weichen Neoprenoberfläche auch viel leichter aufnehmen, was das Spielgefühl noch einmal verbessert.\r\n\r\nDie Ortsbezeichnungen sind Englisch, jedoch kannst du auch ohne Englischkenntnisse bedenkenlos zugreifen denn die Orte sind anhand ihrer Ressourcen leicht und eindeutig den jeweiligen Aktionskarten zuzuordnen!\r\n\r\n<b'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = '77486cdac1b15927e454c1972b6633edf0b516c9'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $sortimentSalesAction = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => ['warningId' => 2, 'warningText' => 'Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.']]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 8; public $name = 'Corax Games'; public $manufacturerId = 8; public $supplierId = 70450; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/coraxgames_logo-Medium.jpg'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#f5bc42'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/coraxgames_logo-Medium-p-500.jpeg 500w, images/coraxgames_logo-Medium-p-800.jpeg 800w, images/coraxgames_logo-Medium.jpg 876w'; public $brandDescription = 'Corax Games steht für interaktionsreiche Spiele mit erwachsenen Themen und gern auch etwas schwarzem Humor.' }, $authors = 'J.B. Howell', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '56c5d1c3-a3e5-4ea8-91eb-33e7903ef1ba', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 450, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 307, 'articleName' => 'Reavers of Midgard - Neopren-Spielplan (en)'] ) | .../articlePage.php:69 |
7 | 0.0310 | 945016 | HS\Modules\ShoppingCart\ShoppingCartRenderService->renderArticlePageShoppingCartBlock( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1022931; public $internalName = 'Reavers of Midgard - Neopren-Spielplan (en)'; public $upc = '4255682701448'; public $manufacturer = 8; public $manufacturerId = 7108448238221; public $pu = 1; public $length = 85; public $width = 56.5; public $height = 0.5; public $weight = 100; public $listingStatus = 3; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '2018-11-14'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2018-11-14'; public $ageMin = 14; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 4; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = 1022929; public $regularPrice = 25; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 25; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 24.99; public $costPrice = 10.75; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 0; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',139,41,56,79,133,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:4:{i:41;s:1:"1";i:56;s:1:"1";i:79;s:1:"1";i:139;s:1:"1";}'; public $dateLastModified = '2024-09-03 04:31:34'; public $stockAvailable = 0; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 3; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-09-02 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 0; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de,'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [0 => ['mediaId' => '56c5d1c3-a3e5-4ea8-91eb-33e7903ef1ba', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 450, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 307]]]; public $mediaByType = ['Image' => [0 => ['mediaId' => '56c5d1c3-a3e5-4ea8-91eb-33e7903ef1ba', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 450, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 307]]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => ['mediaId' => '56c5d1c3-a3e5-4ea8-91eb-33e7903ef1ba', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001022931/1022931.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 450, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 307]]; public $designer = [1 => [72 => 'J.B. Howell'], 2 => []]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Reavers of Midgard - Neopren-Spielplan (en)'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Noch mehr Platz zum Plündern! - Spiele Reavers of Midgard auf einem großen Neopren-Spielplan!'; public $description = 'Auf dem hochwertigen Material kommen die vielen Orte, die du plünderst, gleich noch besser zur Geltung und die Illustrationen wirken noch beeindruckender. Die Spielkarten lassen sich von der weichen Neoprenoberfläche auch viel leichter aufnehmen, was das Spielgefühl noch einmal verbessert.\r\n\r\nDie Ortsbezeichnungen sind Englisch, jedoch kannst du auch ohne Englischkenntnisse bedenkenlos zugreifen denn die Orte sind anhand ihrer Ressourcen leicht und eindeutig den jeweiligen Aktionskarten zuzuordnen!\r\n\r\n<b'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = '77486cdac1b15927e454c1972b6633edf0b516c9'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $sortimentSalesAction = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => ['warningId' => 2, 'warningText' => 'Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.']]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $targetUrl = ??? ) | .../ArticleRenderService.php:44 |
8 | 0.0310 | 945016 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->loadSubTemplate( $fileName = 'Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html' ) | .../ShoppingCartRenderService.php:77 |
9 | 0.0310 | 945016 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->loadTemplate( $fileName = 'Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html' ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:380 |
10 | 0.0310 | 945224 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->processTemplateFile( $file = 'template/EN/Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html' ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:366 |
11 | 0.0311 | 945224 | file_get_contents( $filename = 'template/EN/Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html' ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:428 |