( ! ) Warning: file_get_contents(template/EN/Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/src/modules/MainFrontendController/FrontendPageRenderService.php on line 428 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0001 | 472160 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0265 | 910688 | HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\MainFrontendController\MainFrontendController::renderFrontendPage( $page = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\Page { protected $viewRepository = class HS\Framework\PageHandling\FrontendPageRepository { protected $connection = class HS\Framework\Connection\Connection { public $transactionStarted = NULL }; protected $request = class HS\Framework\ShowPage { protected $parameterSet = ['command' => 'showArticle', 'cmd' => 'show.page', 'login' => 'cec949de-fadf-4d6c-bca5-4a2bb21f4acf', 'privateHash' => '81a8d585e3680dc8529e2a65f3cbd28cbcba2043'] }; private ${HS\Framework\PageHandling\PageRepository}parameters = ['command' => 'showArticle', 'cmd' => 'show.page', 'login' => 'cec949de-fadf-4d6c-bca5-4a2bb21f4acf', 'privateHash' => '81a8d585e3680dc8529e2a65f3cbd28cbcba2043']; protected $errorMessages = NULL }; protected $objectClass = 'Page'; protected $properties = ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'ArticlePage', 'metaDescription' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'robots' => 'index,follow', 'includePath' => 'includes/articlePage.php', 'cssPath' => 'article.css', 'isAjaxModule' => 0, 'isSharedIncludeFile' => 0, 'command' => 'showArticle', 'headerCodeAddition' => NULL, 'bodyCodeAddition' => NULL]; protected $attributes = NULL; protected $attributesById = NULL; protected $list = NULL; protected $availablePropertiesList = NULL; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}errorMessages = []; private ${HS\Framework\GenericEntityHandler}eventsTriggered = []; protected $eventsTriggered = NULL }, $userId = NULL, $shoppingCart = ???, $parameters = ??? ) | .../index.php:154 |
3 | 0.0268 | 910880 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->renderPage( ) | .../MainFrontendControllerRenderFrontendPageForUserFrontendsTrait.php:64 |
4 | 0.0295 | 934720 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->ImplementPageModule( ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:55 |
5 | 0.0295 | 936496 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/b-rex-entertainment.com/httpdocs/b-rex/pages/includes/articlePage.php ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:507 |
6 | 0.0322 | 946688 | HS\Modules\ShopSpecific\BRex\Article\ArticleRenderService->renderArticlePage( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1004289; public $internalName = 'Kamasutra'; public $upc = '8711808690509'; public $manufacturer = 43; public $manufacturerId = '69.050.006'; public $pu = 6; public $length = 27.8; public $width = 19.1; public $height = 7.5; public $weight = 720; public $listingStatus = 3; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '0000-00-00'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2012-01-01'; public $ageMin = 18; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 2; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = NULL; public $regularPrice = 25.14; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 0; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 24.99; public $costPrice = 12.52; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 0; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',33,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:1:{i:33;s:1:"1";}'; public $dateLastModified = '2024-11-21 05:43:46'; public $stockAvailable = 0; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 3; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-11-20 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [0 => ['mediaId' => '04552205-bb8d-4231-b5d7-d5961c611d79', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 81, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 100]]]; public $mediaByType = ['Image' => [0 => ['mediaId' => '04552205-bb8d-4231-b5d7-d5961c611d79', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 81, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 100]]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => ['mediaId' => '04552205-bb8d-4231-b5d7-d5961c611d79', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 81, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 100]]; public $designer = [1 => [112 => ''], 2 => []]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Kamasutra'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Die 1001 Geheimnisse der fernöstlichen Liebeskünste.'; public $description = 'Mit diesem Spiel erleben Sie den ultimativen Genuss der fernöstlichen Sinnlichkeit: tantrische Liebestips und exotische Liebespositionen. Ihre positiven Energien werden frei, Ihre Begierde wird auf die Spitze getrieben und auf diese Weise entdecken Sie immer wieder jede Menge herrliche, neue Art und Weisen, um sich geenseitig zu verwöhnen.\r\n\r\nDie originelle Spielformel und einzigartige Illustrationen machem KAMA SUTRA THE GAME zu einem besonders aufregenden Spiel für Liebespaare, die alle Fassetten ihrer'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = '1b00d9e2ca45c54a8c0ca88e1f3583d655b8e31e'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $sortimentSalesAction = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => ['warningId' => 2, 'warningText' => 'Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.']]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $manufacturer = class stdClass { public $id = 43; public $name = 'Private Games'; public $manufacturerId = 43; public $supplierId = 70068; public $mainLogoUrl = 'images/logo_privategames.svg'; public $brandLogoBorderColor = '#b34242'; public $logoSrcSet = 'images/logo_privategames.svg 3119w'; public $brandDescription = 'Private Games steht für erotische Spiele, die prickelnde und sinnliche Erlebnisse erschaffen. ' }, $authors = '', $mainMediaArray = ['mediaId' => '04552205-bb8d-4231-b5d7-d5961c611d79', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 81, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 100, 'articleName' => 'Kamasutra'] ) | .../articlePage.php:69 |
7 | 0.0325 | 947160 | HS\Modules\ShoppingCart\ShoppingCartRenderService->renderArticlePageShoppingCartBlock( $article = class HS\Modules\Article\Article { public $id = 1004289; public $internalName = 'Kamasutra'; public $upc = '8711808690509'; public $manufacturer = 43; public $manufacturerId = '69.050.006'; public $pu = 6; public $length = 27.8; public $width = 19.1; public $height = 7.5; public $weight = 720; public $listingStatus = 3; public $itemType = 1; public $listingDate = '0000-00-00'; public $firstDateOfSupply = '2012-01-01'; public $ageMin = 18; public $ageMax = 0; public $numberOfPlayersMin = 2; public $numberOfPlayersMax = 2; public $expansionOfAid = 0; public $newVersionOfAid = NULL; public $languageVersionOfAid = NULL; public $familyOfAid = NULL; public $regularPrice = 25.14; public $vatPercentage = 19; public $msrp = 0; public $specialPrice = NULL; public $currentSellingPrice = 24.99; public $costPrice = 12.52; public $specialPriceStart = NULL; public $specialPriceEnd = NULL; public $sellStartDate = NULL; public $sellEndDate = NULL; public $averageReviewScore = 0; public $weighedReviewScore = 0; public $navTokens = ',33,'; public $classificationDetails = 'a:1:{i:33;s:1:"1";}'; public $dateLastModified = '2024-11-21 05:43:46'; public $stockAvailable = 0; public $stockOrdered = 0; public $stockStatus = 3; public $stockDateAvailable = '2024-11-20 23:59:59'; public $isRentable = 1; public $rentableStock = 0; public $popularity = 0; public $basePrice = NULL; public $basePriceUnit = NULL; public $rentalPrice = NULL; public $searchPhrase = NULL; public $languagesIncluded = 'de'; public $sortimentGroup = NULL; public $media = ['official' => [0 => ['mediaId' => '04552205-bb8d-4231-b5d7-d5961c611d79', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 81, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 100]]]; public $mediaByType = ['Image' => [0 => ['mediaId' => '04552205-bb8d-4231-b5d7-d5961c611d79', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 81, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 100]]]; public $mediaByOrderPosition = [0 => ['mediaId' => '04552205-bb8d-4231-b5d7-d5961c611d79', 'mediaType' => 'Image', 'path' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'thumbnailPath' => 'https://mediaservice.happyshops.com/ANY/Article/000001004289/kama_sutra_the_game.jpg', 'previewPicturePath' => NULL, 'creatorUserId' => 1, 'creatorUserName' => 'Admin', 'orderPosition' => 0, 'language' => 'any', 'mediaAspectRatioWidth' => 81, 'mediaAspectRatioHeight' => 100]]; public $designer = [1 => [112 => ''], 2 => []]; public $reviews = NULL; public $variant = NULL; public $variants = NULL; public $name = 'Kamasutra'; public $language = 'de'; public $shortDescription = 'Die 1001 Geheimnisse der fernöstlichen Liebeskünste.'; public $description = 'Mit diesem Spiel erleben Sie den ultimativen Genuss der fernöstlichen Sinnlichkeit: tantrische Liebestips und exotische Liebespositionen. Ihre positiven Energien werden frei, Ihre Begierde wird auf die Spitze getrieben und auf diese Weise entdecken Sie immer wieder jede Menge herrliche, neue Art und Weisen, um sich geenseitig zu verwöhnen.\r\n\r\nDie originelle Spielformel und einzigartige Illustrationen machem KAMA SUTRA THE GAME zu einem besonders aufregenden Spiel für Liebespaare, die alle Fassetten ihrer'...; public $professionalDescription = NULL; public $nameSoundexInLanguage = NULL; public $navToken = NULL; public $prizes = NULL; public $isVirtual = 0; public $lastSavedHash = '1b00d9e2ca45c54a8c0ca88e1f3583d655b8e31e'; public $numberOfPieces = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMin = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesMax = NULL; public $numberOfPiecesIncluded = NULL; public $pictureWidth = NULL; public $pictureHeight = NULL; public $sortimentSalesAction = NULL; public $loadedFromFetchedFromRemoteCache = FALSE; public $safetyWarnings = [2 => ['warningId' => 2, 'warningText' => 'Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.']]; public $shippingCosts = NULL; public $articleFetchedFromRemoteCache = NULL; public $isPartOfShopSortiment = NULL; public $designers = NULL; public $error = NULL; public $hasRentalItems = NULL }, $targetUrl = ??? ) | .../ArticleRenderService.php:44 |
8 | 0.0325 | 947160 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->loadSubTemplate( $fileName = 'Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html' ) | .../ShoppingCartRenderService.php:77 |
9 | 0.0325 | 947160 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->loadTemplate( $fileName = 'Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html' ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:380 |
10 | 0.0326 | 947368 | HS\Modules\MainFrontendController\FrontendPageRenderService->processTemplateFile( $file = 'template/EN/Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html' ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:366 |
11 | 0.0326 | 947368 | file_get_contents( $filename = 'template/EN/Article/ArticlePageOnlyWishlistBlock.html' ) | .../FrontendPageRenderService.php:428 |